Aug 8, 2010

Clinton Lake (Starting at Lake Henry)

Rating: 6 (1 being Low, 10 being High)

Where we found this hike: Clinton Lake North Shore Trails

The Clinton Lake Blue and White Trails are exercise trails for me since they are just a couple of miles from where I live. For this particular exercise hike I started at the trail head for the Lake Henry Bike Trail and then went 2 miles past Lake Henry and back for a 4 mile round trip hike. This was a fun couple of hours for me. I got to spend some quality time with my daughter and I ran into a friend fishing at Lake Henry.

Anybody looking for a good hike near Lawrence Kansas this good hike and I can recommend it. You hike around a beautiful lake on very well maintained trails. The rating would most likely be much higher for this trail if I didn't use Clinton trails so much for exercise to prepare for other hikes.

While I have never backpacked the whole trail myself, I have had a couple of friends who have and said they thoroughly enjoyed it.

A couple of things to note about this hike, I started out on the blue trail but it turned out to be closed do to high water. Also to start at Lake Henry you have to either pay to get into the state park or you have to have a Start Park Pass. I also carried a stick out in front of me on this hike because the Cobb webs where thick.

Is this hike for kids?
My rating for hiking this for kids is 7 (1 being Low, 10 being High).
This trail has lots of different terrain to keep kids busy and lots to see on the trail and on the lake. The biggest thing you have to watch out for is these trails are shared with Mountain bikers (and I have no problem with this) and at least with my daughter you have to help her get out of the way because she is watching a snail or singing or ...

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